Build an android app for searching events using Ticketmaster API
Get familiar with handling Async tasks and third party libraries such as Volley and Picasso
What I did?
Developed android app with three activities with below functions
First activity contains two tabs. First tab consists of a form which is a form that takes user input for searching events. Second tab is for displaying favourites
Second activity has a single tab which is used to display the event search results. I used RecyclerView to display event results. Each listItem in the view consists fo an icon , event text and a favourite button
Third Activity consists of four tabs.
First Tab consists of event information fectched from TicketMaster's Event Details API.
Second tab consists Artist/Team's pictures fetched from Google custom search API and Artist's information fetched from Spotify API.
Third tab contains venue information fetched from TicketMaster's Venue API.
Fourth Tab consists of information about upcoming events fetched from songkick Venue API.
Backend for this project was written in NodeJS. This essentially was integrated with Async Volley HTTP requests to backend server URL which in turn made calls to external REST APIs
Used Java ReEntrant Locks to handle data returned from multiple Async calls to five different API's.
Technologies Used:
Android Studio
Role: Developer
Event: Coursework:- CSCI 571 Web Technologies
Location: University of Southern California, Los Angeles