- Census Data: MIME Type – text/CSV Source - https://github.com/grammakov/USA-cities-and-states?files=1
- Sci-Fi Movies: Mime Type – text/HTML Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_science_fiction_films
Developed python scripts to capture geolocation of nearest airport to the sightings using geocode APIs. Used Memcached to limit the number of queries fired to geocode API.
Used Jaccard Similarity and Cosine Similarity to identify hidden clusters in the joined dataset.
What I found?
90% of the UFO sightings occurred where the nearest airport was less than 25 miles away.
Most sightings happened in rural areas.
Highly sighted UFO locations are sparsely populated.
Technologies Used:
Role: Developer
Event: Coursework:- CSCI 571 Web Technologies
Location: University of Southern California, Los Angeles